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Students in PK - 4th grade participate in weekly art classes. Students in 5th – 8th grade have the option of selecting Art as part of their enrichment rotation. The art program is studio-based with an emphasis on the process of art.  Formal art concepts are taught through hands-on exploration. Art history and criticism are covered, as well as aesthetics. Parents are invited to view and purchase their child’s artwork on Artsonia – Kids Art Museum website as their child’s masterpieces are completed.


Students in Pre-K – 8th grade have weekly classes in the computer labs on campus.  Younger students work with reading, math, logic, and multimedia software. Lower elementary grades learn keyboarding skills, work with word processing and presentation software and use subject area software, including Star 360 and IXL. Middle school students continue to develop and refine keyboarding skills and learn word processing, spreadsheet, desktop publishing, and presentation skills using the Google Suite.


Students visit the library weekly or bi-weekly depending on grade level. They learn how to handle books, use the library, and complete research on on-line library resources.

Music (Choir & Band)

Students in Pre-K – 4th grade attend music classes regularly. Students in 5th - 8th grade have the opportunity to be a part of the choir or band as part of their enrichment. The choir and band have several concerts throughout the year and have a large role in preparing for and participating in school liturgies. Every other year, OLQHS produces a school musical, comprised of a seventh and eighth grade cast and the sixth grade chorus.


All students participate in our P.E. program. At OLQH, P.E. encompasses a variety of team sports, games, and activities. Classes have access to the Family Life Center Gym, school gym and the playing field. The curriculum includes health education, the basic rules of team sports, and skill development through various games and activities using a variety of sports equipment. Middle School students are eligible to participate in after-school team sports including football, volleyball, basketball, track and golf.


Students in 1st – 4th grade receive instruction in Spanish, beginning with vocabulary and building conversational skills. Students in 5th – 8th grade may choose Spanish as part of their enrichment rotation. Advanced students are given the opportunity to enroll in Spanish I in 8th grade—based on grades and preparedness—allowing them to receive high school credit upon completion the course.

Extra Curricular Activities

OLQHS students have the opportunity to enrich their learning experience outside the classroom and enhance their leadership skills by participating in a variety of clubs and organizations. Being involved in these extra-curricular activities helps students to share their individual God-given talents as a part of a team or group.

4-H Club
Altar Servers
Beta Club
Chess Club
Handbell Choir
Library Club
Sports: Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Golf
Spirit Groups: Baronettes, Jazzline, Cheer
Student Council


Our middle school athletic program provides a foundation for teamwork and respect for others. Athletic sports available to middle school students include: basketball, football, golf, track and field and volleyball.  Spirit organizations including the Baronettes, Jazzline and cheerleaders allow opportunities for middle school girls to work together, developing their skills in dance and cheer.