Thank you for your interest in OLQHS!
Application process for 2025-2026 School Year:
- The application period for the upcoming school year will open on Monday, December 2, 2024. All applications and supporting materials must be submitted to be considered for enrollment for the upcoming year.
- Under the ADMISSIONS tab you will see a link APPLY NOW, and you can begin the application.
You can review the entire application at any time during this process by selecting the Application Review item. From here, you will also be able to print a PDF of the application in its current state.- The following required documents must be submitted in the online application, and completed before January 26th.
- Most Recent Report Card – 2nd-8th grade only
- Last Year's Test Scores – 2nd-8th grade only
- Exceptionality Documentation – for any student diagnosed with an exceptionality
- Email address for current pre-school /daycare - PK & K only
- Birth Certificate - all students
- Immunization Records - all students
- Baptismal Certificate - if applicable
- The following required documents must be submitted in the online application, and completed before January 26th.
- Submit your application
- Once the application is submitted, you will be asked to pay the online application fee of $27.
- After submitting your online application, you will be able to track online your admissions status by logging in to your account. There you will be able to print the completed applications, monitor when the school receives supplemental application forms and, if necessary, reprint the supplemental forms.
The application will not be reviewed until all documents have been uploaded and it is submitted. Once your application is complete, OLQHS will begin its review process.
Student Interviews
The OLQHS administrative team will conduct interviews with students in grades 4-8. The OLQH School office will contact you directly to schedule this appointment.
Other grade level interviews will be conducted as deemed necessary by the administrative team.
The OLQHS admissions team will notify all applicants of acceptance at the beginning of February 2025.
Once you have been accepted, you will receive a notification and an email with the information necessary to complete the online enrollment process to officially enroll your child.
New families must enroll between February 3 and February 14, 2025. A non-refundable $350 registration fee must be paid at the time of registration.
If a student withdraws at any time after they have enrolled, they will lose the non-refundable enrollment fee of $350.
If they withdraw after April 1, 2025, the family is required to pay the first quarter of tuition for the 2025-2026 school year.
Subsidy Form
If you are a member of a church parish (OLQH or a neighboring parish), who contributes to a tuition subsidy. Please fill out this form and turn it in to our school office.