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Brenna LeBert

Brenna LeBert
Grade 5 Math/Science
Phone: 337-564-5376
Groups: Middle School

Brenna LeBert began her career at Our Lady Queen of Heaven School for the first time in fall of 2010 as the seventh and eighth grade math teacher. She is a graduate of Louisiana Tech University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Prior to teaching, she had a career at PPG. In working in partnership with OLQHS and PPG with Partners in Education, she began to sense teaching was the right occupation for her to move into. She held the seventh and eighth grade math position at OLQHS from 2010-2014. During that time she married James LeBert, who is an alumnus of OLQHS, and had two children, Trip and Cecilia. She left OLQHS in 2014 to stay home with her growing family. After spending seven years home and having two more children, John-Paul and Benjamin, she decided it was time to come back to OLQHS in 2021 and is currently working as the fifth grade math and science teacher. She loves working at a place where she sends her children to school, and having the opportunity to spend time with them on a daily basis is such a joy. Brenna loves the close knit community of OLQHS and how this now feels like a place to call home.