Connie Houssiere

Connie Houssiere has been a member of the Our Lady Queen of Heaven School faculty since the fall of 1996. She first started teaching the third grade and then after a few years moved to the second grade. Her love for teaching the Sacraments to God’s little chosen ones was one of the highlights of her career. In 2013, she transferred to the Middle School to teach seventh and eighth grade theology. Over the years, Connie served as the cheer sponsor and Beta Club sponsor. She is a graduate of McNeese State University where she serves as an advisor for Chi Omega Sorority. Connie also loves to be involved in her church community, Our Lady Queen of Heaven. She is married to David Houssiere, and their three children, John-David, Grace, and Luke, have all attended OLQHS. When she is not teaching, she loves to read, travel, and cook for her friends and family.